Oct 192013

There are many ways to increase your skills and knowledge of racquetball. To learn a new skill, you need to first understand the concepts behind the skill and then correctly practice the technique for the skill.

Learning occurs thru different and multiple mechanisms but the ones which have the greatest impact require direct participation and immediate feedback.

Lets look at the top 5 ways to learn to play racquetball:

  1. playing, playing, playing, and by doing repetitions during individual practice
  2. by example from watching live demonstrations (at clinics or private lessons)
  3. by watching live matches of high level players
  4. y watching instructional videos (also see below)
  5. by reading instructional books

There is no single magic bullet to learning to play racquetball. If you want to improve your talents, then there is no substitute for practice. Remember to always keep this formula in mind:

Talent = Practice x Motivation

However, take advantage of private or group lessons, watch live pro matches whenever possible, and attend clinics by local pros. If these events are not available, then watch pro IRT matches on YouTube.

Oct 172013

The racquetball pinch shot is the most efficient way to end a rally. If you have a shot in the middle or front of the court and your opponent is behind you,  then hit the ball below knee level into one of the front corners.

A well hit pinch shot hits the side wall first, then will bounce twice on the floor before it reaches the opposite side wall. If there is one shot that really elevates your game to the next level, it is the pinch shot. So before every match, spend a few minutes warming-up with pinches.

To practice your pinches, stand several feet behind the 5 ft encroachment line and drop and hit to the right corner. Allow the ball to rebound back to you and then hit a pinch to the opposite corner pinch. Try to hit the ball low enough so it will bounce twice before reaching the opposite side wall.

You can continue hitting alternating forehand and backhand pinches for several minutes or until you reach 20 points (1 pt for good pinches, 0 pt for a high pinch, -1 pt for a skip). Do not skip the ball! You are not trying to kill the ball.