Apr 262014

The key to controlling any rally in racquetball is to maintain the center court position. In this video, Ben Croft shows the correct position to hold on the court is about 1 foot behind the 5 foot encroachment line. If you try to move too far forwards to cover a pinch or kill shot, then you will get beat by an easier to achieve passing shot.

For more information on racquetball court positioning, take a look at the following posts:

Mar 202014

If your racquetball gloves are getting stiff and no longer feel soft and flexible, then it is time to wash them.

Sweat salts and dirt will accumulate in the glove’s pores which can lead to cracking and stretching. You can partially restore your gloves by washing them with mild liquid soap and warm water.

Racquetball Glove Washing Instructions
  1. Wash your gloves by hand in warm water using mild liquid soap.
  2. Let them soak 10 to 20 minutes in soapy water.
  3. Rinse thoroughly with cold water.
  4. **Spread out and air dry gloves on a dry towel.
  5. During/after drying, refit the glove on your hand and reshape.

** If your glove has stretched, then dry it using a clothes dryer. This will definitely shrink your glove, so first test drying on one glove to determine the appropriate drying time.

Mar 082014

The most current official racquetball rulebook (pdf file) can be downloaded from the teamusa.org website or from this link:   Downloadable/Printable Rulebook-2023 Version.

The most significant changes were increasing the length of timeouts to one-minute, but limiting players to two timeouts per game and decreasing the amount of time between games two and three to 2 minutes. You may also note several other wording changes made only to clarify previously existing rules including the addition of jumping into the section involving hinders.

Feb 262014

It’s hard to beat a person who never gives up.
– Babe Ruth

Many racquetball games are won or lost by a slim margin of one or two points. So it is crucial to believe that you can retrieve every one of your opponent’s shots.

This means that you will never give up on a shot during a rally. Also, after every shot you take, you will try your best to get back to center court. Do not make an unforced error by giving up too early on a shot.

In addition, you must assume that your opponent is capable of returning every possible shot. Do not underestimate the speed of your opponent. Often a player will hit a ‘winner’ only to be caught flat-footed after their opponent returns their shot.

Perfection in racquetball is unattainable, for you, or for your opponent. So be ready to go after everything!

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