The location of your opponent determines the type of racquetball shot to play. If you are hitting a shot from behind your opponent, then you will try to hit ceiling balls and passing shots. If you are hitting in front of your opponent and can hit the ball at knee level or below, then you […]
In these videos, Shawn Royster talks about the purpose of down-the-line and cross-court passing shots. Many players error by trying to hit passing shots too hard or too low (like a kill shot). It is much more important to hit a passing shot accurately. This will force your opponent out of center court position. To gain […]
There are two categories of racquetball shots. The first group are shots which move your opponent from the front of the court to the back of the court. These shots include ceiling balls and passing shots. Passing shots can be hit either down the line or cross-court. Again, your intent is to move your opponent […]
Use racquetball ceiling ball shots to move your opponent out of center court. The ceiling ball forces them into one of the back corners of the court and allows you time to take the vital center court position. Ceiling shots are also one of the best returns of service. And a good ceiling ball player […]