Dec 132024

Patterns of play in sports are basically simple strategies based on if-then situations. These patterns are practiced with repetition until they become instinctive, i.e., they happen on the court without thinking.

The following Adam Manilla videos provide two examples of patterns of play:

  1. IF you are in front of your opponent and they hit a down the line shot, THEN you cut it off and hit a pinch shot into the same side front corner.
  2. IF you are in front of your opponent and they hit a high pinch shot into the front right corner, THEN you return it down the line on the left wall.
Dec 132024

We have covered the split step in a previous post, but it is a really a vital movement on the court which can assist your game in many ways:

  • efficient movement require less energy
  • learning split step allows you to cover the court more quickly
  • you will be able to react to sudden changes in direction
  • recover to center court with ease

This training video for learning split step in squash applies equally for racquetball.

Dec 132024

In the 1980’s and 90’s, Steve Strandemo was the foremost tactical racquetball instructor of his era. He wrote dozens of instructional articles for various racquetball magazines. Yes, at one point in the 1980’s there were at least three racquetball magazines catering to the popularity of racquetball. In the following article in Killshot (Oct 1991), Where Organization Begins: The Serve, he provides detailed instructions on hitting drive and z-serves.

Dec 042023

The high nick lob serve is the safest and most effective lob serve since it cannot be cut off, and it does not rebound off the back wall.