Nov 182023

According to Annie Roberts, two-time National Intercollegiate racquetball champion, the golden rule of racquetball is down the line shots can’t hit the sidewall. Why? Any shot down you hit down the line which touches the sidewall will slow down and rebound into the court. This makes it easier for your opponent to get to the ball from center court. This mistake will also allow your opponent to return with an easier down the line shot.

Nov 182023

If you want to get your opponent into the back of the court, then try hitting an around the world shot. It is especially good shot to hit if you get caught in the front of the court with a waist-high ball and need time to get back to center court.  Make sure to hit it high enough so it cannot be cut-off before it hits the third wall.

Dec 092021

The lob serve which requires the most precision is the high nick lob. When performed correctly, this serve cannot be cut off by the receiver and dies in the back of the court, making it one of the most difficult lob serves to return.

The server stands just to the left of center in the service box. The ball is hit from below waist high with a strong upwards motion towards your target. Your arm and shoulder movement stay connected during the swing. There should not be any wrist movement. The front wall target is approximately 5 to 6 ft from the left side wall and 4 ft from the ceiling.

If the correct target is hit, the ball will arc to the back of the left wall, and hit around 4 to 5 ft off the floor and about 7 ft from the back wall.  After hitting the side wall, it caroms towards the backwall but with not enough momentum to rebound off the back wall.


May 022020

Shane Vanderson gives advice on how to cut off the lob serve. Cutting off a lob serve at the 5 ft encroachment line will get you to center court early and also prevent your opponent from taking center court.