The high nick lob serve is the safest and most effective lob serve since it cannot be cut off, and it does not rebound off the back wall.
Dec 042023
The high nick lob serve is the safest and most effective lob serve since it cannot be cut off, and it does not rebound off the back wall.
In this video, Rocky Carson demonstrates several alternative lob serves which can be more difficult for your opponent to return. Rocky shows how to hit the high lob nick, high lob z forehand, high lob z backhand, and half lob serves. Please remember that when serving, you are not allowed to back out of the […]
Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake. Napoleon Bonaparte French general & politician (1769 – 1821) I cannot repeat myself enough about how important the serve is in racquetball. You get to decide the speed, angle, and direction of the serve to your opponent who is pretty much unprepared, flat-footed, and positioned […]