In racquetball your main goal is play in a manner which enables you to win the majority of the rallies. The following five strategies are all used simultaneously to help control and win your match. Maintain Center Court Position. It’s the position near or just behind the 5 ft line (dotted line). All mishits by […]

The 10 basic racquetball shots can be further categorized into two groups: Back Court Shots – shots that force your opponent into the back of the court Pass Shot Cross Court Pass Shot Ceiling Shot Off the Back Wall Z-ball Shot Around the Walls Into the Back Wall Front Court Shots – shots that should […]

Posted below is the entry for racquetball. Racquetball is a racquet sport played with a hollow rubber ball in an indoor or outdoor court. Joe Sobek is credited with inventing racquetball in 1950, adding a stringed racquet to paddleball in order to increase velocity and control. Unlike most racquet sports, such as tennis and […]

Download PDF version of How_to_Play_Racquetball TYPES OF GAMES Racquetball is played by two (singles) or four players (doubles). A variation of the game that is played by three players is called cut-throat. In cut-throat, one player serves and the other two players are his/her opponents. If the server wins the rally, they score a point. […]