Rocky suggests the proper method for hitting a powerful racquetball forehand swing: Get the racquet UP. Step into the shot. Rotate hips and lower body first. Swing with leading elbow. Contact ball at leading heel.
In his March 2011 monthly newsletter, Racquetball Tim discussed how to hit a harder forehand by using a compact and focused swing. According to Tim, here’s the order in which things happen for a normal drop and hit forehand: 1. Drop the ball AWAY from your body so that you have full arm extension at ball […]
This is another really nice video by Jo Shattuck demonstrating the proper racquetball forehand and backhand strokes, followed by a demonstration of the two-step drive serve technique. First, notice that she shows how the swing is driven by hip rotation. Second, she is facing the front wall at the finish of her strokes. These are […]
The following edited article by Coach Dave from California reviews four crucial keys to consider when hitting the ball. EARLY RACQUET PREPARATION (ERP) As soon as you can determine whether you will be hitting a forehand or backhand – get your racquet up and get your elbow up. First, you pivot and coil by turning […]