Oct 192016

In racquetball, there are huge benefits and advantages to be in a ready position at center court and while waiting to return serve.

What is a ready position?
A ready position (or athletic stance) means that your knees are bent and you are already in a “down” position, ready to spring into motion or to make a quick movement. If you are standing straight up without any knee bend, then to get into motion you must first go into a bent or sprint position which takes up valuable time. In racquetball, the faster you can get to the ball, the better chance you will have to make a good shot. During a fast racquetball rally, any extra time to get to a ball can make a big difference in the outcome. As you know, all sprinters start from the blocks with bent knees.

When to be in a ready position
While waiting to return serve, a ready position with bent knees will get you on top of the ball much faster. And as soon as you get to center court, a ready position with bent knees will allow you to get to more balls, hit better shots, and get passed less often.

As you get more accustomed to bending you knees, you’ll be more agile, improveĀ  your retrieving ability, and execute quality shots!

Oct 172016

Calling penalty hinders during a racquetball match plays an important part of keeping racquetball a fair and honest game. A penalty hinder does not necessarily have to be an intentional act. There are many types of penalty hinders, but the most common falls under Rule 3.15 (a) Failure to Move. It is not allowed to stand in front of your opponent’s shot either straight to the front wall or cross court. See below for more information on penalty hinders.