If you start making a habit of any of the following tips, your racquetball game is guaranteed to improve! 10. Warm-up for 10 minutes before every match by hitting the most common shots such as down-the-line passing shots and ceiling balls. 9. Hit down the line (DTL) passing shots as often as possible from center […]
Racquetball Terminology and Vocabulary A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Ace – a serve that isn’t returned; results in a point for the server. Alley – the area along the court’s side walls, a Down […]

Posted below is the wikipedia.org entry for racquetball. Racquetball is a racquet sport played with a hollow rubber ball in an indoor or outdoor court. Joe Sobek is credited with inventing racquetball in 1950, adding a stringed racquet to paddleball in order to increase velocity and control. Unlike most racquet sports, such as tennis and […]

Download PDF version of How_to_Play_Racquetball TYPES OF GAMES Racquetball is played by two (singles) or four players (doubles). A variation of the game that is played by three players is called cut-throat. In cut-throat, one player serves and the other two players are his/her opponents. If the server wins the rally, they score a point. […]