Oct 172016
Calling penalty hinders during a racquetball match plays an important part of keeping racquetball a fair and honest game. A penalty hinder does not necessarily have to be an intentional act. There are many types of penalty hinders, but the most common falls under Rule 3.15 (a) Failure to Move. It is not allowed to stand in front of your opponent’s shot either straight to the front wall or cross court. See below for more information on penalty hinders.
Doubles is the most difficult hinder environment and more illustrations should be used to depict where receiving players should be located to avoid a hinder. Some players think that they must have the entire court for their shot. Do both platers have the right to see the ball? If the ball is closest the one player, the other player cannot call screen or hinder unless the ball passes the first receiving player. ?????
The hinder rules for doubles is the same as for singles. Offensive shots are straight to the front wall or cross court.
The offensive player who is taking the shot has a right to see the ball, just as in singles.