Jan 152011

Serving is the most important part of scoring points in racquetball. So this is the area where you should practice the most. Your goal is to hit serves which are the most difficult for your opponent to return. So do not always hit your favorite serves all the time if they are not winning you points.

Many top players aim for exact targets on the front wall. Starting from the same position in the serving box, you should have a precise spot on the front wall to hit a drive serve to the back left corner, a Z-serve to the same corner, a wide angle jam serve, and a down-the-line drive serve. With practice, you gain confidence in your front wall targets. Then during a match, you do not need to rely on “feel” to hit confident and accurate serves.

TIP : Take a dry erasable marker and draw a 6-inch diameter target circles on the front wall for each of these 4 serves. Hit ten serves to each target, starting from the same position in the serving box. Do not try to change your starting position. Then hit ten serves picking a random target. Hitting to specific targets gives you instant feedback and will accelerate the learning process.

TIP : During one practice game, try alternating serves to both back corners of the court with either Z-serves or drive serves.

TIP : During one practice game, before hitting your serve, look and focus carefully on the wall target. This tells your brain exactly what you want it do. The more specific a task you give your brain the more likely that it will be successful.

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