Mar 202014
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If your racquetball gloves are getting stiff and no longer feel soft and flexible, then it is time to wash them.

Sweat salts and dirt will accumulate in the glove’s pores which can lead to cracking and stretching. You can partially restore your gloves by washing them with mild liquid soap and warm water.

Racquetball Glove Washing Instructions
  1. Wash your gloves by hand in warm water using mild liquid soap.
  2. Let them soak 10 to 20 minutes in soapy water.
  3. Rinse thoroughly with cold water.
  4. **Spread out and air dry gloves on a dry towel.
  5. During/after drying, refit the glove on your hand and reshape.

** If your glove has stretched, then dry it using a clothes dryer. This will definitely shrink your glove, so first test drying on one glove to determine the appropriate drying time.

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