Jan 132011

In racquetball, the player serving has a clear advantage. The server gets to hit the ball directly at his opponent’s weakest spot. The server has complete control of the speed and direction of the serve, and, has their opponent at the back wall.

All things being equal, if you serve better than your opponent, then you will win.

A theoretical game is constructed of 15 points as follows:

  • 5 pts – Winners
  • 5 pts – Opponent errors
  • 5 pts – Service winners

So if your opponent is getting more than 5 aces or service winners per game, you are in deep trouble. What this means is that you need to upgrade your serves as well. Your goal is to continually learn new serves and improve your existing ones.  Then, during your game, find the one or two serves which your opponent has the most trouble returning.

Most players tend to hit their favorite serve, over and over, regardless of it effects. From now on,  find and hit serves that will become service winners. So work on being able to hit a wide variety of serves, including off-speed servesZ serves, and high lob serves.

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