In a recent interview for Life Time Racquetball, six-time world champion Cliff Swain passed along some great racquetball tips.
If you could offer only one tip to a new racquetball player, what would it be?
Get quality instruction right away. It will make you enjoy the game much more and you’ll get the very best out of yourself.What advice would you give to up-and-coming junior players?
Watch the pros play as much as possible. Find out who has the best serve, forehand, backhand, etc., and try to mimic those qualities while still keeping your own style.
It is so important to learn the basics from a qualified teacher. Advanced players can also benefit from private coaching by working on improving their game tactics.
What is your favorite shot?
The ace serve! One shot, one point and very demoralizing.
Your first serve is a weapon. In racquetball, the player with the best server usually wins!
What is the best racquetball advice you have ever received?
Play every point like it’s the first and last point. It’s very difficult to do but it’s a skill within every person’s reach.
The top racquetball players win their close matches by playing every point at 100% intensity. This means never giving up after hitting a loose shot, running down every passing shot, and always recovering to center court.